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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Paddy Dryer

imulointi Continuous flow, Paddy Dryer

Simulation Continuous flow, Paddy Dryer
Said Wahyu Ferdiansyah, Dr. ir. Bambang Dwi Argo, the DEA.

Paddy usually harvested in high humidity (26%). Some new varieties must be dried, because there is a brief density of the germination and growth of a few days after the date of the density of harvest. Paddy usually kept safely in 2-3 months at 12-13% humidity wet, keep it up until 3 months; paddy must be maintained until such time as 12-12.5% wet basis (Wimberly, 1983).
The existing mathematic model can be plant grain dryer design of the machine. From the model can be predicted about the machine dimension, capacity and the dryer time, the dryer temperature and the requirement of thermal energy. From the model can be predicted about the distribution of temperature and humidity, the layer of dried substance, it makes reference easier dryer control of the machine, so the minimization of mount material damage.
The goal was the result of 1) develop a mathematic model and finishing, the paddy fields Dyer continuous flow, and 2) to establish a computer-simulation program paddy Dyer continuous flow. The model developed for Dyer to make energy audit and the density of volume control. There are four variables, which had been fixed for the model, which had an average of the substance, M, the absolute humidity, W, dryer temperature, T, and the temperature of the substance ï ±.
Borland Delphi 4.0 fasility, Windows 98 Intel Pentium MMX 233 MHz and RAM 32 MB procesor was the use, so that the simulation program. The test program simulation done givenly of inputs are in substance the medium speed of paddy fields and 1.0 m / h, with a special heat substance 1100 J / kg ° C, the specific substance in a broad 2361 m2/m3, the original humidity of 30% wet, the original substance as the temperature of 28 oC, Special agent 708 kg/m3, the dryer the temperature of 43.3 ° C, the thick layer of a substance 0.30 m, tinggi lapisan 2 m, air velocity 900 m / h, the heat air specifik 1055 J / kg ° C, the temperature, the dry bulb temperature is 30 ° C The wet at a temperature of the temperature of 25 oC, specifik the air density of 1.17 kg/m3, humidity heat spesifik 4187 J / kg ° C, specifik heat of vapor 1850 J / kg ° C, the diameter of luar mess 0.4 m, Jenis bahan bakar minyak tanah dengan Potchefstroom calories 48004.14 kJ / kg, efisiensi pemanas to 50%. Data pengeringan yang dihasilkan program simulasi dengan metode langsung dari information Masuk Adalah: Kadar air akhir 14.4% bk laju bahan 466.86 kg / jam, laju udara 2645.14 kg / jam, vapor velocity 42.29 kg of air vapor / h , Dyer time of 2 hours, the heat 145489.48 kJ / h, the fuel requirement of 6062 kg / h, the plenum a diameter of 0.4 m. Hasil simulasi dengan metode Syndication untuk Kadar air bahan menunjukkan adanya var Kadar air pada lapisan Dalam this lapisan terluar, yaitu: 11.26 â € "17.85% bk

1. Back to the ground,
Paddy usually harvested in a high moisture content, until 26% wet basis (Wb), and will be quickly destroyed if stored in wet bulb. Paddy moisture can save on the basis of keeping the grain condition, climate, and must be maintained. As a general rule, paddy fields can be kept for at least 2 â € "3 per month for 13-14% of moisture on wet basis. Paddy has been dried until 12-12.5% wet basis to keep 3 months. Some new varieties must be dried because they are short germination and growth in a few days after harvest. (Wimberley, 1983).
Behavior drying one of the seeds or seeds of a group dryer machine, the basis for seed physical nature of Biji dianggap sebagai produk yang bersifat porous dengan kapiler higroskopis, Toronto-Pori Deputy Minister sebagian oleh cairan the air transport sector, Deputy Minister sebagian oleh campuran UAP air surface udara. Selami process pengeringan, Kadar air diuapkan pada permukaan biji dan / atau dalam Pasig-Pori sub-meninggalkan biji dengan tekanan UAP parsial berbeda antara biji dengan udara sekitar. Laju kehilangan Kadar air biji-bijian di bawah kondisi pengeringan, Adalah prinsip dari pemodelan pengeringan padi tipe kontinyu aliran silang dalam would ini.
Model mathematical yang force the fury of memudahkan dalam perancangan mess pengering biji-bijian. Dari model tersebut the fury of diprediksi tentang dime mess, kapasitas, waktu pengeringan, Suhu pengeringan, kebutuhan energi panas this tenaga yang dibutuhkan. Dari model juga diketahui the fury of the distribution of this Suhu Kadar air dalam lapisan bahan yang dikeringkan, hal tersebut akan mempermudah dalam pengontrolan mess pengering, sehingga meminimalkan tingkat kerusakan bahan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mengembangkan mathematical model of this penyelesaiannya untuk pengeringan padi tipe kontinyu aliran silang, this membuat program simulasi komputer untuk pengeringan padi tipe kontinyu aliran silang. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan the fury of memberikan manfaat yaitu mendapatkan information techno tentang process pengeringan padi, pada pengeringan padi tipe kontinyu aliran silang sebagai pertimbangan penelitian selanjutnya.
Penelitian ini dilakukan sampai pada pembuatan mathematical model of this penyelesaiannya untuk Syndication Suhu udara pengeringan pada lapisan padi, the distribution by kelembaban mutlak udara pengering, the distribution by Suhu bahan pada lapisan, the distribution of this Kadar air padi pada lapisan, ser pembuatan program simulasi komputer untuk pengeringan padi tipe kontinyu aliran silang dengan menggunakan fasilitas Borland Delphi 4.0.

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