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Sunday, May 25, 2008

the construction of biogas

Biogas plants designed to Curry and Roosevelt counties on hold
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April 8, 2008 - 11:28 PM
By Gabriel Monte, Freedom, New Mexico

Mortgage crash has affected the start of another proposed alternative-energy facility in the field.

Gibbs Energy Chairman Joe Maceda said the construction of gas, biogas facility that would extract methane gas, cow manure has been stalled after the primary investor in a $ 25 million for the project is financially crippled because the sub-prime mortgage crash.

"We are now negotiating with other parties, which will be considered to replace, so we do not yet run, but the environment, it is strange to say the least," he said.

Gibbs Energy is one of the most important partners White Hat Energy, which intends to build a facility.

The proposed project to build a facility, 20 acres of town-owned lands near the landfill, which is converted to approximately 400 tonnes of cow manure from the area dairies into methane gas. The gas would be distributed through the national gas line, Maceda said.

The plant would create about 90 jobs during the first phase and about 250 jobs over the next five years, officials said.

The second plant is designed Portales.

"We're looking for is about to make a number of them, you'll have a lot of cow dung," he said. "We have received from customers output, the question of root it is now essential to this financing."

Maceda hopes that the project, which was scheduled to break ground last year, will get back on track by the summer. Construction institution would take between nine months of.

"It's too good to deal with, the country needs gas, it needs to get rid of manure, and the gas is only going in," Maceda said. "Yield (a biogas plant), are outstanding."

New Mexico State University Dairy Specialist Robert Hagevoort methane, said the plants are profitable areas of the dairy sectors, such as Clovis, but he said, biogas producers must first establish a relationship with dairy farmers.

"I do not think they are offered to any of these men to the dairy that going to help them resolve the issues," he said, referring to the White Hat Energy plant.

Officials from Clovis Biodiesel America and renewable fuels, announced earlier this year, they were delayed by the measures proposed in Clovis indefinitely for financial reasons.

NMSU crop physiologist Sangu Angadi said the feed stock for biodiesel plants have adopted to potential investors "wait and see" mode. He said the farmers to receive a high price for wheat and maize crops are not ready to plant other crops better for biodiesel production, such as canola, sunflower and mustard seeds.

But he said the alternative fuel is still a viable industry in New Mexico.

"Definitely, wheat prices to stabilise, and there should be place for biodiesel," he said.

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